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Fellow Nomination Form


To nominate someone to be an OSBF Fellow, complete the form below. All forms are due January 14 and are reviewed by the OSBF Membership Committee before being sent to the Board of Trustees for final approval.

Please be thoughtful in completing the nomination form. All information will be used when reviewing nominees.

Note: If you are self-nominating, please fill out the Self-Nomination Form.

Nominee Information

*Denotes required response

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Please enter a valid last name.
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Please enter a valid city.
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Please enter a valid email address.
Please enter a valid phone number.
Please enter a valid firm or organization name.
Please enter a valid professional title.
Please enter a valid response.
must be admitted at least 3 years
Please enter a valid response.
Please select a county.
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Please enter a valid response.


You may submit any additional information you would like to be considered (nominee’s resume/CV, profile, news articles, etc.) by uploading it below.

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*Denotes required response

Please enter a valid first name.
Please enter a valid last name.
Please enter a valid firm or organization name.
Please enter a valid title.
Please enter a valid email address.
Please enter a valid phone number.