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Self Nomination Form


To self-nominate to be an OSBF Fellow, please complete the form below. All forms are due January 14 and are reviewed by the OSBF Membership Committee before being sent to the Board of Trustees for final approval.

Please be thoughtful in completing the nomination form. All information will be used when reviewing nomine

Note: If you are nominating someone else, please fill out the Nomination Form.

Your Information

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To become a Fellow, you must be an OSBA member. To become an OSBA member, CLICK HERE

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must be admitted at least 3 years
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E.g., participation in: non-profit organizations, parent/teacher organizations, faith-based organizations or activities, civic organizations or activities. Should include any regularly scheduled or significant service, and identify any leadership role(s) held. If attaching a document identifying your service, please write "see attachment."
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Give the names and contact information for two references.

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Please submit your CV/resume that includes your professional and community service. You may also include any additional information (news articles, profiles, etc.) that you would like the OSBF to consider.

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