As a charitable grantmaking organization, the OSBF awards grants each spring and fall to Ohio nonprofits addressing specific, unmet legal needs in our communities. Since 1992, the Foundation has awarded more than $17 million to law-related philanthropic organizations and projects across Ohio. Over time, grants have supported the creation of legal materials, new websites, campaigns, clinics, conferences, trainings, presentations, and more. OSBF grants are project based (not operational).
Access to online applications will close at 5:00 pm on the respective Grant Cycle application due date. If the due date falls on a weekend, the deadline is the following Monday at 5:00pm. Please be sure you have submitted your online application before the deadline. Any online application not submitted by the deadline will be removed from the system upon close.
Through grants from the Ohio State Bar Foundation, the Ohio Justice & Policy Center and Advocating Opportunity created programs to help survivors of human trafficking clear their criminal records and understand their rights.
Current Grantees may access the Online Grant Manage System to submit required materials and final reports.
If you have any questions during the application process, please contact Michelle Hendricks at
Review our list of recently funded projects to see the breadth of our work in the state of Ohio.